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Holly here! Just thought I’d let you know that I also have a live music website. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE the recording studio but there’s something immensely satisfying about playing live. It’s kind of a relief actually after doing long stretches in the studio where everything has to be the most perfect it can possibly be compared to something that is all about the present moment. I’m not saying I’m constantly making mistakes live but if I do make a mistake it is very quickly in the past never to be thought of or listened to again!! Unlike a recording! I think being a live musician is really important when you also work as a producer and musician inside the studio and vice versa.
Guitar photos by Emma Fenton Photography in Sa Taronja, Mallorca.
Emma Fenton Photography
You may know that I’m based on the island of Mallorca. I have played professionally as a pianist, singer and guitarist for over 15 years now. I perform live music at weddings, cocktail parties, corporate events etc. So if you happen to be wanting music for a wedding in Mallorca, then be sure to come visit my website for all your Mallorca wedding music needs!
Ciao! 🙂
Everything’s Going to be Okay by Amaksi. Do not forget to check out his great portfolio.
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Nullam auctor semper turpis, a fringilla lacus laoreet vel. Vivamus congue blandit ante, sit amet lobortis massa faucibus ut. Donec sed ante id libero commodo lacinia. Sed posuere leo vitae odio facilisis sed eleifend tortor dapibus. Nam fringilla tincidunt massa euismod pharetra.
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