This is by Dave Lowe and the middle bit by Holly Jazz Lowe. Performed by Dave and with additional vocals from Holly and the spoken word by Dave’s eldest daughter and Holly’s big sis – Lucy Lowe who is a professional actor and voice-over artist.
The song is a sort of Orwellian bleak outlook on how mechanical people can appear but that something lives behind the eyes if you look carefully enough.
The image is an original piece made bespoke for the song by Pat Burke.
Rows and rows of human souls
In shuffling queues and eyeless shoes,
We dance and twitch
With pain and mirth
Pulled by the strings tied to our birth
With legs that break,
Hands that take
A heart that feels
And paint that peels
Give me my dream.
You must have seen the passion in the eyes of puppets
I’ve heard their voices in the collective
I’ve never smelt their scent in all my days
I swear there’s something more to what is going on
And I’ve seen a crack in the glaze.
We empathise, intellectualise
Play the part of horse or cart
In every vein, in every gland
The balanced view: safe and bland
The sexual fire of guilt desire
From church to shed
The world’s a bed
Give me my dream
Give me my dream
You must have seen the passion in the eyes of puppets.
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