This was inspired by some lonely living times in Leyton, London! That’s a lot of L’s. I went a bit mad and had a mini existential breakdown where I couldn’t see the point in much because even the universe is going to die (as first pointed out by a scientist called Helmholtz) so you could never have a legacy because even the universe won’t have a legacy! But then I decided to turn this into a positive thing / a pulling technique. “Hey babe, the universe is gonna die, so… how about it?” etc. 😉
“I knew there was something g g going on,
there was something in the air something not quite certain
Always had this feeling my ceiling my not hold for long
So I shifted my bed to the edge near the window.
And I’d wait in the night for someone to shoot me through the wall
Watch through the glass with the lights out waiting,
Watch the empty street for something memorable to happen
But everything that happens soon stops happening.
There’s too much importance placed on longevity
Don’t you know the universe is dying, baby?
There’s not gonna be any kind of legacy and right now I want you.
There’s too much importance placed on longevity
And a heat death end awaits us, baby,
There’s not gonna be any kind of legacy and right now I want you!
I knew that my living was ggg going wrong
I was waking up later than young people’s bed times
And as they slept I watched the skies cooling down (on my own)
And stars died before my eyes
The oldest song will be forgotten in time
The most important truths will out us
The cliffs that held my growing years all crumbled when I left home
And everything made soon will fade away
On this very night in my very room with my very ears listening to every tune
My very eyes staring at absolutely nothing in this pitch black doom I think of you
I think of you.
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